Continuing Public Service

Friends and Constituents,

For the last 8 years, it has been my honor and pleasure to represent you in the Alabama House of Representatives. I consider public service to be of the highest calling, and I have tried to represent and serve you well. I realize I may not always agree with everyone on every issue, but I have done my best to be accessible to and listen to the people I represent. At the end of the day, I have sincerely tried to do what I thought was right for the District I represent and the State of Alabama.

Serving on the Rules Committee, I have tried to advance the right bills. Serving on the Budget Committee, I have tried to be a good steward of your tax dollars. Education and Economic Development remain my top priorities. It has been an honor and so impactful to me to have co-chaired the State of Alabama Children’s Cabinet with the Governor, to serve on the Alabama Holocaust Commission, and to be Co-Chair of the Alabama Legislative Prayer Caucus. I do try daily to pray and ask for God’s wisdom in all the decisions I make as your State Representative.

In my tenure, I believe we have accomplished great things for the State of Alabama and Jefferson County. We are consistently fighting for you, and I heard from many of you about the constant increase in your property taxes. As a result, I passed a bill to allow for those 65 years of age and older to claim a senior property tax exemption to freeze their property taxes from going up. But, for this to become law, you must go to the polls and vote for this amendment on November 8th! I hope you will vote YES for this amendment, and feel free to contact me if you have any questions about it.

Please go vote on November the 8th! This is an important election, and please vote all the way down the ballot! There are important races for Governor, U.S. Senate and Sheriff to name a few! While I have no named opposition, I am up for election, and my name will appear on your ballot for the Alabama House of Representatives, District 46, and I ask for your support and vote.

I love this State, and want it to continue to be a great and safe State to live in, work, worship and educate and raise your family. Again, thank you for allowing me to serve you in House District 46. It continues to be the greatest honor of my lifetime.


David Faulkner